07831 827454 meljameshope@gmail.com
Why Counselling?

When you are experiencing difficulties or crises in your life, hope can seem far off, perhaps unattainable.

All of us, at some period in our life, experience difficulties. Some are living with trauma that has been locked within us since childhood or adolescence. Many are experiencing more recent and current difficulties or relationship problems.

Modern life exposes us to more stress, depression, anxiety, problematic behaviours and addictions than ever before especially now with COV ID-19 affecting the mental health of so many of us.

Sometimes it seems that everyone is coping better than you. The reality is often very different. Look around any group of people; one in every four is experiencing, or has experienced, mental health issues. You are far from alone.

It takes real courage to reach out for help. When you do, the journey towards understanding, acceptance and closure begins. You will discover that there is hope.

Mel James
